Real Estate
VT Group primarily focuses on investing in diverse risk-adjusted portfolio across high-income sectors. Its mandate encompasses strategic mid-to-long-term investments in commercial and hospitality real estates.
With an extensive asset portfolio, the foundation of our success was contributed by our team at VT GROUP on constantly building solid, growing investments with sustained value growth. Thus, leveraging the strength of our partners, management teams and investment professionals. Reaching out to greater heights, VT Group will continue to explore investment opportunities in our core geographies.

In addition, channelling the distinction in real estate, VT Group advances its venture into Furniture Businesses with great specialisation in designing living spaces with bespoke furniture that caters to your needs. Further gaining traction in regional recognition for the exquisite designs of furniture and fittings for residential, commercials and hospitality properties.

Land Bank
VT Group constantly seeks to secure commercially viable prime land bank in locations that provide additional growth impetus for the Group.
To achieve sustained growth, we have adopted a prudent and calculated expansion strategy in expanding our existing land bank. Leveraging on our experience in various cities and countries where we operate in, the Group actively seeks to secure prime land bank with good potential for future value enhancement through development intensification, land use options, as well as sites that are slated to benefit from public infrastructure and development improvement programmes.
VT Group aspires and continues to strive towards establishing ourselves as the industry leader. Instilling collective values of progression, achieving excellence, consistently reactive to market changes and providing the highest standard of service to all our clients. Each of our architecturally stunning properties, exquisitely refurbished hotels, commercial spaces and offices are designed with the intention of bringing the optimal comfort to our guest and tenants.
Let’s Talk
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queries you may have about us.